
Contemplative Outreach Ltd.

Click here for some of the many resources available from COL.

Contemplative Outreach of Maryland and Washington (COMW)

COMW, our neighboring chapter, offers additional local programs and retreats .

Meditation Chapel

Pray in silence with practitioners from all over the world on this ecumenical, interfaith community.

It’s difficult to describe how profoundly connecting, expansive and intimate it is to see, hear and join in silent prayer with others from all over the world. You just have to try it.

Helpful hints: Once you register and receive the links to 1) their calendar and 2) the list of chapels, save both to your desktop. On the calendar page, you can Filter on "Affiliations": look for "Contemplative Outreach".

12 Step Outreach

We are 12 Step people who practice Centering Prayer as our 11th Step and pass it on to others in 12 Step recovery.

You can find information about workshops and retreats offered by
12 Step Outreach here and here.

Please note also a newly edited video series 
 of Fr. Thomas Keating speaking to a 12 Step group on retreat in Denver about the year 2000.  Of special interest is Fr. Thomas' discussion about emotional sobriety and the relationship between Bill Wilson and Fr. Ed Dowling.

Centering Prayer App

The Centering Prayer mobile app supports one’s daily prayer practice. 

Beautiful, elegant and peaceful, the app includes an adjustable timer, as well as opening and closing prayer options that may be read before and after Centering Prayer.

An assortment of sounds and backgrounds allow one to choose the type of environment for the prayer time. Brief instructions for learning Centering Prayer are also included.

"Opening Minds, Opening Hearts" Podcast

a podcast for both the curious meditator and long-time practitioner of Centering Prayer

During each episode, hosts Colleen Thomas & Mark Dannenfelser reflect on the method of Centering Prayer and the teachings of Thomas Keating with some friends from the contemplative community. 

The podcast provides new perspectives on the future of contemplative prayer in the context of the evolution of culture, technology, and consciousness.

The Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation

Located in Washington, DC, Shalem offers in-depth support for contemplative living and leadership

A location resource for retreat planning